Only content in French is authentic. Translated content may not reflect the subtleties of the French language.
General terms and conditions of sale
Any transaction with the company "Distrimotor" automatically implies knowledge and acceptance by the buyer of our conditions of sale below, notwithstanding any stipulation to the contrary contained in its own general conditions of purchase.
- Our customers are asked to provide us with all the information required for the technical identification of the desired product.
- Our documentation is provided for information only and is based on information supplied by our suppliers. We cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.
- Orders are only binding on our company once they have been accepted and confirmed in writing (fax, e-mail).
- Goods ordered and delivered in accordance with the order may under no circumstances be taken back.
Any delays do not entitle the buyer to cancel the sale, to refuse the goods or to claim damages.
- Shipping costs are at the customer's expense. In the event of delay, damage, etc., the recipient must immediately make written reservations with the carrier.
- Any complaint concerning non-conformity with the order, excluding any dispute due to transport, must be notified to us in writing within 48 hours of delivery.
Our prices are net excluding VAT, without discounts or rebates.
For all parts recognised by our suppliers as defective or not conforming, when the old material is returned in exchange, a surcharge will be applied according to the table below in Euros excluding VAT (please note: specific conditions for HGV/industrial engines). A product returned disassembled or in parts will not be eligible for a refund:
Non-conforming or broken block |
Non-conforming cylinder head or missing bearing |
Missing or broken crankcase / Missing injection wire harness |
Missing/broken camshaft |
Injection pump not compliant - gearbox, crankcase or primary shaft inoperable |
600-800 € |
350 € |
90 € |
150 € |
Up to €400 |
300-800 € |
300 € |
70 € |
80 € |
Up to €400 |
NB: valid for light vehicles and light commercial vehicles. Specific rates for HGV/industrial/agricultural vehicles (EXCEPT IN EXCEPTIONAL CASES)
Conditions specific to the YD25 engine only for the version delivered without timing gear :Deposit penalties > Visible breakage or missing parts: 200 € block, crankshaft 500 €, cylinder head 250 €, camshaft 65 €
Caution!An engineNO DRAININGWill result in an additional charge of €150 excluding VAT. This amount corresponds to the amount invoiced by our carriers for cleaning.
For air conditioning compressors, a deduction from the deposit may be applied (from €100 to €200 excluding VAT) if the deposit is returned with its pulley broken.
A deduction of €250 excluding VAT will be applied if the transport frame for the standard exchange engine is not returned
Payment must be made in cash by credit card or bank transfer.
All our shipments, without exception, are made on a flat-rate basis for France, at the customer's expense. The return of used parts as part of the standard exchange is free* in France, by collection and by carrier referenced by our suppliers (*return turbo/compressor air conditioning at your expense).
All our standard exchange products and their packaging are subject to a guarantee deposit. These deposits will be reimbursed on the basis of the original invoice within 10 to 15 days of the equipment being returned. After a period of one month, any equipment not returned will be acquired by our company free of charge.
For any warranty claim, the malfunctioning product must be returned to the manufacturer for analysis.
Our suppliers guarantee products intended solely for motor vehicles from the date of our invoice (industrial use, fitting an engine type other than the original engine type provided by the manufacturer, use for competition, use for ambulances or any other vehicle that has undergone a specific transformation in relation to the manufacturer's standards and the use of LPG fuel are excluded from the guarantee). The products must be fitted by a licensed professional.
Warranty exclusions: Normal wear and tear of parts, adjustments, tune-ups and overhauls. Failure to comply with installation instructions. Damage caused by: peripheral parts of the engine not supplied with it, including the injection system and cooling circuit, negligence, failure to carry out periodic maintenance and servicing within the recommended periods of 1000 KM, 7000 KM and 15000 KM.
- 12 months parts and labour or 15,000 kilometres for a standard exchange engine (unless otherwise stipulated on the invoice). The first of these two conditions automatically cancels the other.
- used engine: 3-month parts-only warranty subject to replacement of timing kit, water pump and accessory belt.
Mileage given for information only, no guarantee
- 12 months parts and labour or 15,000 kilometres for a new or standard exchange cylinder head (unless otherwise stated on the invoice).
Mandatory parts changes for an engine: water radiator / cooling hoses / water pump if not supplied / thermostat / calorstat / thermo contact / filters / belts (for an air conditioning compressor, the filter/bottle/drier cartridge must be changed). In many cases, an engine can be delivered with aoil pan and/or cylinder head cover different from your original or transport engine- In this case, the lower oil sump, oil strainer and/or oil pump and/or cylinder head cover must be recovered from the old engine.The crankcase or cylinder head cover may be marked "DUMMY", which means that it is a transport crankcase and should not be fitted. If the crankcase of the old motor is broken, the purchase of a new crankcase will be at the customer's expense and a penalty will be added (see surcharge table).
Compulsory parts checks for an engine: Fans / degassing tank / intake and exhaust manifolds / turbo / air exchanger / injection system at a diesel specialist (with injection bench report).
The motors are fitted with a THERMAL FUSE (yellow dot). Damage to this will invalidate the warranty.
- 12 months parts and labour or 15,000 kilometres for a standard exchange gearbox. The gearbox must be filled with the correct oil recommended by the manufacturer, otherwise the warranty will be invalid. For an automatic gearbox, the radiator/oil cooler must be replaced.
- 12 months parts for a standard exchange injection pump (unless otherwise stipulated on the front of the invoice).
- 12 months parts for a standard or new exchange turbo (unless otherwise stated on the front of the invoice).
- 24 months parts for a standard exchange air-conditioning compressor (unless otherwise stipulated on the front of the invoice). For air-conditioning compressors: the dryer (cylinder or cartridge) must be replaced by a new one (otherwise the warranty will be invalidated)
- 3 months parts for a packaged standard exchange unit.
- 3 months on parts for a used engine (unless otherwise stated on the front of the invoice). For a used engine, only the engine block and cylinder head are guaranteed - there is no guarantee on accessories (injection pump, turbo, etc.), and the odometer reading on the invoice is not guaranteed.
- 6 months parts for a new engine 0 km manufacturer's stock. (guarantee only on block and cylinder head and not accessories: turbo, injection...)
All other products not mentioned above are guaranteed for 6 months on parts only.
Under no circumstances may these guarantees be extended. In any event, the legal guarantee applies. If you have a problem, we ask you to contact our company before any intervention, who will refer you to our supplier's after-sales network. Please note: if you are asked to test the cylinder head, no surfacing will be tolerated, otherwise the guarantee will be refused.
The warranty only applies if the product has not been modified in any way and has been fitted by a qualified automotive technician in accordance with the manufacturer's standards and recommendations. In addition, the vehicle must have been used under normal conditions by the user. The use of LPG and ethanol is excluded from the warranty.
The guarantee does not cover :Diagnostic costs not requested by the manufacturer's after-sales service, Fluids (oil/coolant/air conditioning refill), parts not supplied with the part ordered. Immobilisation costs for the vehicle and its occupants. The cost of hiring and/or transporting another vehicle. Breakdown service or towing costs.
MO: labour = 35 to 50 EUR (excl. VAT) maximum per hour at the time given by the manufacturer (depending on our supplier / stipulated on invoice)
NB: products are guaranteed geographically in mainland France. The guarantee is not transferable between individuals or legal entities
In accordance with the provisions of the law of 12 May 1980, we reserve ownership of the goods or the equivalent of the objects sold until full payment of the price in principal, interest, costs and accessories, including the collection period in the case of payment by cheque or commercial paper. The transfer of custody takes place upon delivery of the goods, releasing us from any civil liability, and the transfer of risks takes place automatically upon delivery of our products. The return of goods of which we have reserved ownership shall take place automatically without any legal formalities. Failing this, a simple summary order from the Commercial Court of the place where the goods are stored will suffice. An expert appraisal to establish the condition of the goods and their value in their current state may be ordered by the said decision.
- Election of domicile: The seller elects domicile at its registered office in Annecy (74), France.
- Assignment of jurisdiction: In the event of any dispute relating to the performance of a sales contract or the payment of the price, as well as in the event of the interpretation or performance of the aforementioned clauses and conditions, the Annecy Commercial Court shall have sole jurisdiction, regardless of the place of delivery or the accepted method of payment, even in the event of a guarantee claim or multiple defendants. No derogation or novation shall be made to this jurisdiction clause.
Assembly centre subscription: subscription priced at €149 excluding VAT, valid for 1 year and renewable by tacit agreement on the anniversary date of the subscription. This subscription entitles you to a 5% discount on a single order.
In the event of a complaint, the consumer customer must first contact SARL DISTRIMOTOR. As a second recourse, subject to having first sent a written complaint to SARL DISTRIMOTOR and to respecting the conditions of admissibility of his file (which he can read about at, the consumer customer may refer the matter to the Mediation officer of the Conseil national des professions de l'automobile (CNPA) :
- or directly online on its website ( ;
- or by completing a complaint form that can be downloaded from the Ombudsman's website and sending it to the Ombudsman by post to M. le Médiateur du Conseil national des professions de l'automobile (CNPA) - 43 bis route de Vaugirard - CS 80016 - 92197 Meudon CEDEX or by e-mail to
SARL DISTRIMOTOR informs you of the existence of the European platform for online settlement of disputes, designed to collect any complaints arising from an online purchase from European consumers and to forward them to the competent national mediators: this platform is accessible at the address :
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CAUTION: Manufacturer's recommendations are mandatory!Pre-assembly for PSA/Mini/Ford/Volvo/Mazda turbocharger/.....
1.6 Diesel, on part numbers 753420 / 762328 / 49173-07508 = Failure to comply with these instructions may invalidate your warranty! If you have not received this document, please request it before assembly. See the document under this link :important_technical_report_PSA_turbo.pdf
NB: I/O or ech std = standard exchange, governed by law. Decree no. 78-993 of 4 October 1978, amended by decree no. 80-709 of 5 September 1980, stipulates that : "The term "standard exchange" may only be used to designate, with a view to sale, an engine, component or subassembly fitted or intended to be fitted to a motor vehicle, as a replacement for a used component which is the subject of a trade-in, if the engine, component or subassembly supplied, whether identical or equivalent, is new or has been reconditioned in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, either by the manufacturer or in a workshop whose production and testing facilities are equipped to carry out such reconditioningto guarantee the original characteristics of the.
RETURN OF CONSIGNE: Old material is a valuable asset that can be returned. Ask the driver for the collection note and keep it carefully as proof.
do not return the old material before the final assembly of the new product: we will not be invoiced for any part missing from the old material
NB 2: The photos on this site are non-contractual